I would like any loaded images to display larger when viewing a Diary entry. Say full width on a phone and much larger on desktop. Currently only a thumbnail is displayed unless you click on the image.

10 months later

How should other pictures and attachments be displayed? Keep the attachment list at the bottom and just show the first pictures in large as well?

    I agree. The large image should be the 'cover photo' and the additional image thumbnails at the bottom. Also, if the image could stay in place as the text scrolls for larger entries, that would be nice (perhaps using a graduated transparency mask?)

    a month later

    Could the images that run horizontal at the bottom be turned into a square or rectangle display. For example
    You have a landscape and 2 portrait photos they would fit in a display with the landscape across the top and the two portraits fitting in underneath?

    If you had 4 port it’s photos they would cluster together in a square shape.

    A photo collage style under the entry?

    a month later


    I would like to have pictures generally embedded into the text instead of having them all in one line at the bottom of each entry. Ideally they should be adaptable in size.

      18 days later

      Another fantastic idea! So far I have found and answered all my questions! What a great community 😊

      a month later

      if implemented, how would this option handle pictures in portrait mode vs landscape mode? say it is a picture of a person standing on the beach, will i see sky only, top of their head included or somewhere in the middle of their torso? or will the picture be displayed in entirety making you scroll way down to read/enter text? would there be one size for all pictures or would it change accordingly?
      perhaps a choice (as in blog templates)? the current view as default and one that emphasizes pictures as suggested by op? just thinking outloud πŸ™‚

      If implemented, the app wouldn't show the top of the image (and cut off the bottom) but show the middle of the image (and cut off top and bottom

      19 days later

      hi, Could it display on a more squared format ? a 1:1 or 3:4 of the picture and when clicking on, showing the whole picture ?
      And a setting to choose between : before/After text of the entrie maybe ?
      Also would be awesome a setting to choose how to display in the timeline : between a gallery view (card view, simillar to the "attachement" but with an extract of the text, and a bigger one for entries without picutre) or list view (like it is at the moment). (maybe should I open a new ticket for this ?)

      [v.2.9.16 on Pixel4a Android 12]

      3 months later

      Just started with the app - I came here to ask for the same thing!
      The above mock-up looks great, I would love it if this was implemented!

      24 days later

      timo your mock-up is amazing! The header could be used as a slider, so that you could swipe through all the photos.

        pagination style with auto scroll.
        With text at bottom.

        @Caro something like this?