I was just playing with theme color. At some point it got stuck with two different colours

I also toggled between light/dark in settings.

Light/dark has different colour and i think it's selecting based on the index number rather than colour.

If yes, then it should have toggled color in all places not just few places.

Diarium version: 2.9.39
OS + version: ios 16

How can I reproduce this? I was unable to do so.

Let me explain

First diarium theme should be set to system

Stay in dark mode(ios) before opening app.
Goto diarium setting -> accent color -> choose yellow (third one)

Go back to timeline view
Now change to light theme(on ios. Not from app)
Goto diarium setting -> accent color
At this point it is showing as brown(third one) for me.

I didn't change it to brown. It was like this when I opened after toggling. (I noticed that the color options are different when toggled)
Now go back to timeline view. It shows both.

FYI, It even crashed when relaunched but unable to reproduce the crash part.

I am still unable to reproduce this.... Followed your steps exactly.
Maybe iOS is somehow mixing up the colors, maybe you can try rebooting the device

Did several times. Still the same.

To simplify the steps try following and see if it can be reproducible

Open app in dark mode.
Go to settings > change accent colour to yellow (3rd one)
From ios control center, toggle to light mode.

It will show brown/yellow combination in timeline view.

Its happening even on relaunch
So control center is not the problem here

Third row color is completely different when in light/dark mode and timeview heading background color is not toggling as per the theme.

This is problem only on header view in tabbed pages and splash screen
Its matching colour everywhere else.

No, still not reproducible for me...

17 days later

Just switch to light theme and choose third one(brown), you would immediately see that top is yellow color.

  • timo replied to this.

    I just realised i can set any color using more colors on top

    I am insisting to go through the process i did because it crashed few times when changing colors(including more colors). Not good from userโ€™s perspective even itโ€™s minor issue.

    I also noticed that app always show calendar tab with blue colour during splash screen(when first opened) before showing faceid/unlock screen.

    Transition screens

    These two might be related. Thought of sharing this details if it helps you @timo

    AvinashR I still don't understand yet why it shows different shades of colors for you there.
    This is how it looks for me:

    If it is crashing for you, please wait until the next update lands and try to let it crash again, maybe some better crash report will show up on my end then. A video showing the crash would also help. Could you also enable sharing of crash data in the iOS privacy settings? It should then sometimes show a dialog with which you can share the crash report with me

    The second thing is not bug, I think. The app boots up and always shows the splash screen (which shows a "fake calendar" screen) while doing so. Because you have a fast phone, it is only shown for a split-second. Then the app loads the main screen (calendar or timeline view). Then the app immediately puts the login screen over that screen and you see the login screen. Maybe you can post a video, but from my tests, there was nothing unexpected to be seen.

      timo A video showing the crash would also help.

      I donโ€™t know when exactly when it happens but it happens after changing colors. Sometimes it crashes on launch, sometimes it crashes while adding new entry as if it happens behind the scenes.

      It never once asked me to share crash report.
      Let me toggle the option for sharing crashes

      Is this correct option?
      If not, help me to find the option and i will enable. Happy to share the crash data.

      Regarding launch screen:
      Instead of showing fake calendar I would like to see the app icon as splash screen.
      Every app has icon/image as splash screen rather than Home Screen page.
      Ref:splash screen examples

      Fake calendar is a distraction

      • timo replied to this.

        AvinashR Is this correct option?

        Yes this looks good.
        As I mentioned in another thread, I am currently investigating crashes on iOS that I might or might not be able to fix. It might also be related to the tech I am using (.NET for iOS) and reported some crash reports to Microsoft already. These crashes should not be related to accent colors though.

        I have already considered changing the splash screen to something more simple, but last time I though about this I preferred the splash screen that resembled the initial screen. Only when you use the password/FaceID protection, then there is a "visual hickup"

        AvinashR Every app has icon/image as splash screen rather than Home Screen page

        Check out the "iTunes Store App" from Apple ๐Ÿ˜‰

          Please find link here

          One thing i noticed:
          When i toggle light/dark from control centre, colours list remain same and only page bgcolor is changed according to the theme while i am in list page.
          But when i came back to settings page and toggled, list is different

          But the list i have in these two scenarios is different from what you shared earlier in screenshot. Only you know(logic/code) what is happening

          • timo replied to this.

            timo Check out the "iTunes Store App" from Appl

            Most of the the apps have simple icons as splash screen

            I have face id enabled all the time and i am sure most of the people do enable faceid/pin/other form for security purpose as this is private diary.

            So it makes sense to have icons rather than fake calendar or something smarter

            • timo replied to this.

              I just updated to 2.9.51 ios
              app is crashing.i am unable to open at all
              I already enabled share crash option.
              Maybe you can find some crash data report of my device.


              • timo replied to this.

                I reinstalled 2.9.51

                Color issue still exist ๐Ÿ˜ž

                AvinashR When i toggle light/dark from control centre, colours list remain same and only page bgcolor is changed according to the theme while i am in list page.

                You mean by that, that the texts do not change (e.g. from yellow to brown)? This is expected behavior, because the texts are only "calculated" when first opening the page. But the color circles are adaptive and change according to the current theme immediately. I just dont understand why they change to brown (and generally darker colors) for you in light theme, but not for me. This might be some iOS setting. Can you remember settings some related setting in iOS?
                These are the colors I am displaying in that page and you can see in the Apple docs how they should look like for both light and dark theme: https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/foundations/color/#specifications
                Edit: I just noticed on that page, that the "accessible" colors look different - just like in your video! That must be the reason for all this. Did you turn on that setting accidentally? Seems like everything is working as expected them, or not? Only thing I see that might have to be fixed now is the different colors in the timeline page.

                AvinashR So it makes sense to have icons rather than fake calendar or something smarter

                Yes I will try this out again and reconsider. What do you think if there is no icon at all, just a dark/light background (according to the theme)?

                AvinashR app is crashing.i am unable to open at all

                Oh no, this is not good at all. Will investigate this.
                If you are using the app on another device or have the Cloud Sync enabled (which I think you do), can you try to reinstall the app and see if the problem persists?

                  timo can you try to reinstall the app and see if the problem persists?

                  I reinstalled 2.9.51

                  Color issue still exist ๐Ÿ˜ž Yellow/brown.
                  I donโ€™t know what ios setting you are referring to. AFAIK, there is no such setting about brown color that i played in ios with except diarium app.


                  Splash screen can have blank theme color without icons. Then when faceid page opens,it has theme color as bgcolor so it looks seemless.

                  • timo replied to this.

                    AvinashR I donโ€™t know what ios setting you are referring to. AFAIK, there is no such setting about brown color that i played in ios with except diarium app.

                    It's the "Increase contrast" setting: https://www.imore.com/how-increase-contrast-and-reduce-motion-iphone-and-ipad
                    It's disabled by default, you must have turned it on

                    AvinashR Color issue still exist ๐Ÿ˜ž Yellow/brown.

                    But at least the crash is gone. Wish I knew what caused it. Hope it doesnt happen for other users.

                    AvinashR Splash screen can have blank theme color without icons
