AvinashR I still don't understand yet why it shows different shades of colors for you there.
This is how it looks for me: 
If it is crashing for you, please wait until the next update lands and try to let it crash again, maybe some better crash report will show up on my end then. A video showing the crash would also help. Could you also enable sharing of crash data in the iOS privacy settings? It should then sometimes show a dialog with which you can share the crash report with me
The second thing is not bug, I think. The app boots up and always shows the splash screen (which shows a "fake calendar" screen) while doing so. Because you have a fast phone, it is only shown for a split-second. Then the app loads the main screen (calendar or timeline view). Then the app immediately puts the login screen over that screen and you see the login screen. Maybe you can post a video, but from my tests, there was nothing unexpected to be seen.