I am enjoying this application!
Both Android and Windows versions.
The option to change individual entries color instead of one color for all text entries would be very beneficial for organizing and visually more attractive in multiple month view.
Allowing thoughts to be color coded and more easily accessible.

Thank you!

As a work around.
Color a picture any color and add text if desired.
See example...red=work

8 months later
4 months later

In one of the next updates, I am thinking of adding colored tags. When adding a colored tag to an entry, this color will also "tint" the entry in the calendar view in the tag's color. Would that be something that helps you and would that make the need to give entries a color make obsolete?

    4 days later


    I like this idea, but how would it work if we have 3 tags in one entry and they are all different colors? Take the first tag's color?

    What if instead of changing the entire square to a specific color, a small banner icon with each included tag's color be included within the square?

    I do like the idea of being able to select the square color though (perhaps maybe even independently of tags). I don't add a lot of images so having my entire calendar solid blue isn't the most appealing. It would be nice to be able to select the color of the square (or even choose to leave it white) and just use a small dot icon somewhere to indicate an entry was entered instead of the shading.

      Mike how would it work if we have 3 tags in one entry and they are all different colors? Take the first tag's color?

      Yes. Or take a random tags color. There is no "first" tag because the tags arent sorted, their order is basically random.

      Mike What if instead of changing the entire square to a specific color, a small banner icon with each included tag's color be included within the square?

      We can discuss that, but I don't think the example banners you posted would work, especially in a smaller screen like on a phone.

      Mike perhaps maybe even independently of tags

      The problem here is that the database scheme is not prepared to support something like this. I would need to update the database scheme, that would make the new app version incompatible with older app versions. This always causes all kinds of troubles and is something I would want to avoid at this moment.

      2 months later

      I have a suggestion that It is possible to use already existing elements. Days with multiple entries have a bar at the bottom with multiple dots. Those dots could receive colour options, and if there were an option to enable this bar, even if a particular day has only one entry, it would function the same way.
      The example below: (Android version)

        GrzegorzCiepka I was going to ask about this, if the tag colors could show up on the calendar day squares. But yeah, I thought it might be complicated. Not sure if someone asked about this, but can the tags show their colors in the timeline view? Right now they're just the accent color.

        • timo replied to this.

          As mentioned in my other comments above, I have thought about using the tag colors for coloring the calendar squares. Some problems are still holding me back:

          • as tags aren't sorted, a random color would be picked if there are multiple colored tags for a day
          • when there are multiple entries per day with colored tags, the first entry (lowest time) would be picked
          • when the day has an image and display of images in the calendar is enabled, then the colored tile wouldn't be visible
          • currently tags aren't retrieved from the database when displaying the calendar. When adding this feature, they would have to be queried, which will slightly decrease performance

          Maybe some alternative as mentioned by @GrzegorzCiepka could at least tackle 2 of these 4 problems.

          JJ but can the tags show their colors in the timeline view? Right now they're just the accent color

          They should, did you enable the display of tags in the timeline in the app settings?

            14 days later

            Hi! Sorry for the late response. I just tested it again, and the tag colors show up in the entry, but in the timeline they are all the accent color. For example, one of my tags is red, and it's red in the entry, but my blue accccent color in the timeline. Thanks!
            timo timo

            • timo replied to this.

              JJ I was not able to reproduce this issue on Windows. Please always mention on what device/platform you are using the app, it makes it much much easier for me

              • JJ replied to this.
              • JJ likes this.
                6 days later

                Ooh, sorry, I'm using an iphone XR with version 15. So ios.
                timo timo

                Hi Timo, I have version 2.9.9 for iPhone and I see the same thing. The tags are all the accent colour in the timeline but I can see the chosen colours in the entries when I open them. Coloured tags work perfectly on the Windows app (vers

                Is the latest version of the Windows app? I can't work out how to check or update it 🙂

                • JJ likes this.

                Thanks! Was now able to reproduce and fix this on iOS

                • JJ likes this.
                9 months later

                GrzegorzCiepka Those dots could receive colour options

                If we have an option of background color for each entry and then dots(entries) can have the color from this background color in calendar view.

                So Instead of tags, this approach depends on adding background color to each entry.

                I feel this makes timeline view looks more beautiful.

                @timo thoughts on this?

                This would require an additional column in the database for the color, which is something I would want to avoid