would be nice if you could add the table option ..need not to be complicated...for me..able to add / delete rows and columns + merge cell would be enough...(would be good if width could be adjusted as well)

checkbox is another feature i would like to have in Diarium..i saw that this feature has been requested by other user...just wanna write it again and hopefully you can add it in next update =)

Diarium version:
Operating system: Windows 10

9 days later
4 months later
a month later

I wish these were two separate feature requests: 1) tables - nice to have 2) checkboxes - would be AWESOME

p.s. it's kind of funny that this site has Markdown support but Diarium doesn't (sorry passive aggressive comment in here)

5 days later
2 months later

Seria fantástica esta opção e na tabela ainda opção de adicionar imagem, eu uso o aplicativo todos os dias e sinto muita falta também de ckecklists e opção de edição de imagem podendo circular um ponto específico escreve nela, carimbar data é hora na imagem, etc.

4 months later

Desperately need these two functions. The reason why I ask for these two functions is that the text is not able to line up. The app version is iOS 2.9.37

It would be so nice if table and checkbox are added🥺

9 days later
9 days later
3 months later

i am using bullet points and strike off to mark something as done

a month later
16 days later

Came here to also request (and now throw in a vote) for checkboxes please!! almost paid $30 for an agenda app that does have daily check box feature but I'd prefer to use this app for that stuff since I'm trying to log stuff daily. Simple check box that can be checked when something is done would be awesome! If to take it a step further, I do like Google docs check box visual of something checked is struck through but doesn't disappear. Thank you for considering!

4 months later

+1 on adding the checkboxes. Also, I would like to add a vote for being able to migrate open checkboxes to whatever future date is desired.

a month later
a month later

Kyle Agreed! Loving Diarium so far (only using for about a month) and I'm manually using a check-box symbol in a template and using copy-paste to check them off in the daily journal. Incredibly tedious.

I see several folks asking for check-boxes capabilities, some highlighting it as their most-needed feature, and I that's true for me as well. I've created templates for daily, weekly and monthly routines/habits I want to build, and it's very cumbersome. Ideally, what would make Diarium "next-level" for me (and I'm guessing for other users as well) would be to have the checklist feature in Templates that would carry through to the entries. Adding Checklist options to the formatting options within an entry is also very helpful, but being able to creating checklists via templates would be a game-changer.