A) I have a Template that has, as part of its text, a Link to another entry.
Most of the time, when using the template, the link works. Sometimes, though, the link is lost: only the text is kept, but not the link.
I have hot been able to identify the pattern of when the link is preserved and when it is erased.
B) On a different scenario, that may or may not be related to the bug reported above as "A)", I have an entry that I review daily. The text for this entry has been exetensively formatted (bolds, underlines, unnumbered lists, numbered lists). When I opened the entry this morning on Diarium Android, all the formatting was missing!
Diarium Windows did had preserved the formatting but on sync lost it as well.
All the text was preserved, only the formatting was gone.
I had to manually format the text again.
Diarium version: 3.0.83
OS + version: Android 13
Device model: Samsung A71