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  • New Outlook for Windows and Windows system calendar

Last August, Microsoft started on phasing out the Windows Mail and Calendar app included in Windows 11, and is actually replacing it with the New Outlook for Windows. This transition will be complete at the beginning of 2024, at which point the Mail and Calendar app will no longer be available.

After one of the latest Windows updates, the Mail and calendar app is no longer accessible on my computer and when I start that app, the New Outlook for Windows opens. The calendar of this app is not visible in Diarium, nor can it be activated in Diariums' settings (probably because this is not the system calendar). There are now two similar calendars: the first one (belonging to Windows Mail and Calendar) is still visible in Diarium but can no longer be updated, the second one (belonging to New Outlook for Windows) is not visible in Diarium. This is clearly a Windows problem rather than a Diarium problem, but I wonder if other users also have experienced this and if there exists a solution for it at the moment (can I make the New Outlook for Windows calendar the system calendar?).

Diarium version:
OS + version: Windows 11 23H2 (22631.2792)
Device model: laptop****

I am aware of this transition of apps and haven't decided what to do about it. Either do nothing or add some "Outlook integration" which uses the web APIs or something else.
I am rather hesitant to add any integration for a particular calendar service (like Outlook or Google calendar) because that would open the door for users to ask for more services (Apple calendar, CalDAV, ...) - and that is something I cannot accomplish as this would just take too much time.
Maybe Microsoft surprises us and actually integrates their app with the system calendar at some point...

  • timo replied to this.
    3 months later

    Has anyone found any updates on this issue? I just started using Diarium and I have yet to see any calendar feed.

    Wondering if I also get a Pro version on Android which gets the Google calendar feed and if sync, will it transfer those Google entries to the Windows desktop version?

    • timo replied to this.

      GlobalOfficePhone No the Diarium sync does not sync calendar events.
      Btw, on my own Windows installation, my primary Microsoft account (that I log in with) is still synced to the "system calendar" and I still do see those appointments in my journal - even though that calendar app migrated to the "new Outlook"

      Well, it finally happened. When I opened Windows Mail on my computer, I got a notice from Microsoft saying the next time I opened Mail I'd be redirected to New Outlook. The note also said I could switch back, for an unspecified amount of time, to Mail if choose. I haven't gotten any Google calendar events for the last few days. I've tried a few different things and ... not sure which one it was, but Google calendar events are back to showing up again in today's journal. Aside from the fact my journals for the last few days still don't show any calendar events ,thoroughly enjoy using Dairium for journaling. Of all the "Feeds and Events", Google calendar is the most useful for me.. I knew it was coming, however seeing it first hand is saddening.

      8 months later

      I decided that I will (have to) remove the system calendar integration on Windows. While it still showed the calendars in the calendar dropdown in the settings, no appointments were available to be displayed in the calendar entries. Kind of sad that Microsoft killed this Windows feature...

      • LjL replied to this.
        13 days later

        In your other app "Working Hours" it is possible to choose the outlook calendar. Why it isn't possible to add this feature to diarium?

        Because I have not (yet) implemented it. Also see what I wrote above:

        timo I am rather hesitant to add any integration for a particular calendar service (like Outlook or Google calendar) because that would open the door for users to ask for more services (Apple calendar, CalDAV, ...) - and that is something I cannot accomplish as this would just take too much time.

        Thank you for your quick feedback! Sorry, I understood, that this function will not be implemented. The integration of the Outlook calendar would at least provide the ability to replace the system calendar. Sure, many people use the Google Calendar and others the calendar from Apple. But now we do not have a calendar under Windows.

        I understand wanting to have some calendar integration on Windows - I am not saying that I'll never add it. Also depends on what other users say here in the forums.

        I wish you would add it! Thank you.

        10 days later

        Any new feature added is always welcome even as I understand, it is taxing for developer.

        5 days later

        This is particularly disheartening as it was perviosuly possible. Much worse to lose soething you once had than not to get something you wanted.

        • timo replied to this.

          Henacynflin Yes, I agree. I also find it very disappointing that Microsoft stopped supporting the "system calendar". I hope they will re-integrate it into their system calendar app in the future

          4 days later

          In my Laptop I have Win 11 with latest updates and Diarium and there I see the Windows calendar in Diarium.

          • timo replied to this.

            LjL The feature will be removed with v3.1.11 - from my understanding, it is no longer possible to add to the Windows system calendar using the Microsoft calendar app (this one). It only syncs to the Outlook (web) calendar, and I may add integration for it in the future (related feature request here)