• Bug reportsFixed
  • Calendar and photo roll integrations shows last 24 hours, not just current date

In Feeds & Events, I have enabled the system calendar and the Camera roll.

I have noticed that when I create a new journal entry, my calendar and camera roll show any calendar event or photo that I have taken in the last 24 hours, which often means I see photos and calendar events from the previous day. Seeing this previous-day content has really been throwing me off regarding the accuracy of people's birthdays and holidays and other events!

However, I have noticed that if I save the entry and return to it later, all those events and photos that are NOT part of the current day no longer display. So this issue seems to be with new posts.

The behavior is the same when adding a new post on both Calendar and Timeline view.

This issue does not happen on the Desktop.


  • Have a calendar event within the last 24 hours (preferably from the previous day)
  • Have a photo that you've taken within the last 24 hours (if you don't have one, you can modify the date and time of an existing photo)
  • In the app, enable the Calendar integration and the photo roll integration

Steps to reproduce

  • In the iOS app, create a new journal entry
  • In the calendar suggestions at the bottom, view the calendar event from the last 24 hours
  • In the photo suggestions, view the photo from the last 24 hours
  • Add some text to the post then close the post
  • Open the post again and see that the previous calendar and photo suggestions in question no longer display

Diarium version: iOS 3.0.17
OS + version: iOS 17.2
Device model: iPhone 12 pro

Thanks for the detailed bug report. I will see if I can reproduce this problem later this week.
With "not happening on Desktop", are you referring to Windows or macOS?

Oh yes. Desktop for me is MacOS. I'm on Sonoma 14.2.

I am unable to reproduce this problem. Can you please provide more details on how to reproduce this?

  • How exactly do you create a new journal entry?
  • What local time are you creating a new journal entry and what time was the photo shot, that incorrectly shows up?
  • What time zone are you located in?

I believe I found a way to reproduce it now. It's a combination of a non-UTC timezone (the further away, the more liklier this happens) and when creating entries using the "new entry" dialog with the calendar.
Will fix this with the next update - thanks for reporting

    timo Thanks! I had taken a video last night but hadn't gotten to upload it yet. I'll hang on to that for now.

    I was creating a new entry from both the calendar and the timeline.

    Mine is Mountain standard time.