I agree with the feature request. This need to be implemented.
Currently when we are trying to tag an entry with a tracker, the tracker can show a list of values that were previously used or enter free text to create new tracker value.
Similarly, I think we should have a multi-select when we do the search on tracker tag.
How I envisioned the search filter to look like:

- It has to group by dimension
- Allow multi-select filter on dimension values
- Optional to have the dimension values collapsed initially and expanded on click each time / save previous expanded/collapsed groupings.
We already have the capability to have a separate dimension called "people" (tracker) , and we are able to filter by "contacts" (tracker value). Hopefully we can do the same with all the other existing trackers and it's values as well. They should be similar concept.
In addition, might want to look into permanently adding tracker for Mood. A lot of users are using mood and wants to have mood board mood chart yada. Being able to filter tracker value and/or implementing a permanent fixture for Mood (like "People") and having fixed Mood Values will allow easier implementation of the mood charts in the future.
As requested for
mood graph
plot tracker values