Thanks for this ! it's an unusual and really intersting project he has !
timo You are welcome to share how exactly you'd like to see such a feature incorporated in the app
(long review, be ready !)
[EDIT] after reading what I've just posted ... and to put in context : I realised that the text below is what I found missing in Diarium, and is what I found a big STRENGTH in the app I was previously using (Daylio) .. but the BIG STRENGTH I find in Diarium is the Map tagging, the integrations with other apps, the fact that data are located offline on the phone and that you're close to your community ( thanks for what you've done with your app ! following is not an ungreatful criticisme but only in the purpose of helping on improvement)
@timo as you asked 🙂 ...
I would see graphs / statshaving their own place in the menu (like Calendar or Timeline) with a big focus on the "user friendly visualisation" and not hidden at the end of a submenu, as for some information for nerds
it would have the possibility to view per month, or for the whole year.
it would have this kind of graph to track mood and see how we go so far (sorry my texts are in French .. but I guess should be still ok to understand the general idea)
To see how one evolve over time, a graph like this (with view per month and year, the "longest chain" to motivate us to write on daily basis)
It would also work for tracking evolution of numeral value (weight, money ... etc .. as requested here ) with a possibility to track and achieve goals
Possibility to choose a tag to see how often we use it (as mentioned also here )
a "year in pixel" view to see the evolution of mood (as also asked here) also with possibility to pick another tag or tracker to see when we used it,
the "year in pixel" is a viewing stats only, it would indeed make sens to have the fonction in the search or Calendar section as aked in this request) to click and go directly to the entrie, and could either be color tagged for trackers (mood tracker) like this
Allowing users to link each tag with its emoji would help a lot to show the day with entries with the selected tag on the calendar view
I tried Diarium with tags and trackers and for mood ( as suggested here ) both have their pros and cons :
- trackers are good as they gather several tags (feeling good, bad, etc ..) and I assume they are the best to show evolution on a graph,
- but only tags can have each their own different color, if I do it with tracker, I can't put a different color for each value of the tracker but only one same color for all the value of one tracker,
- also as explained here it's not possible to pick only one value of a tracker to view entries taged with it, but only able to pick the tracker and see all entries that have any value of the tracker.
Interestingly when I imported my previews entries from Daylio, the mood translated as the star system on Diarium (if this can be of any help for you on how to tackle the coding )
Well ..
With all of that ...
Good luck if or when you'll code that ! 😉