AvinashR When we have entries highlighted with color,search option showing the style in the search results Diarium version: 2.9.43 OS + version: ios16
timo Nice catch, that bug must have been in the app for a long time. The app didn't filter out results in which the search term was only found in the html tags, but not the actual text content.
AvinashR timo timo The app didn't filter out results in which the search term was only found in the html tags, but not the actual text content. Not only filter, It shouldn't even render the style text in search results
timo I understand the problem and will fix it. In the database, the text is stored as html. When a search term (like "strong") is in a html tag, but not in the "real" text, the app would still show the result.
Askan AvinashR For example, I go to the search field and type (games) I see many posts related to it, when I select a post I see many words in my text and when the color highlights to find the word I searched for (games) I immediately decide to look. bring this system
timo True, guess I missed filtering out the "style" property. Will look into this again. Edit: looks like the problem persists only when the search term is capital case
timo Ok - found the problem & fixed it. Thanks again for the info! As you can see, this can be tricky to get right. One could think implementing search is so easy, but it's not 😃
AvinashR @timo is happening again Not sure if i checked this before/after the fix On ios17 Diarium version 3.0.16
timo Thanks, will investigate this tomorrow. The search logic is pretty complicated that I am afraid to make it even more complex with things like "search for multiple terms" 🙈.