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How to use Tags?


Can anyone tell me the benefits of using tags, like how would it improve my search functionality, how to tag a person who is not on my contact list.


Tags are a way to give an entry more meta information. So you don't have to write someone's name explicitly in the text in order to make them searchable for example. A persons doesn't have to be in your contact list in order to add it. You can enter the name manually


timo Oh okay thanks for explaining, I will learn how to use it,


Tags are a great way to look back over posts that feature a certain subject.

Some of my tags include: work, dreams, art, walking, xbox, music, reading, funny, meals out, letters & messages, weight, journaling, finances, sunsets, tech, movies & tv, music, gratitude, covid, current events, christmas, ideas.... the list goes on.

You can view your entries by tags and reflect or gain more insight into a subject, or you could choose to export entries by tag - possibly to create a memoir or to leave memories for your family when you're gone.


I've never used tags, as in I'm not a big social media user, so I think I understand what they are, but this How to isn't really a How to so much as a Why do this...

When I write in a diary entry, #dream, for example, isn't that a tag? And should it not then appear in the Tags list? So I can search for all instances of that tag quickly? It doesn't, so I'm assuming creating a tag must mean something more than I think it does. How do you actually create one, please?


DianeCassidy Hi Diane,

Some apps let you use hashtags(#) inline with text to add a tag, but Diarium doesn't work like this. You need to go to the bottom and click Add tags to add a tag to an entry or create a new one.


Thank you so much! I hadn't ever scrolled to the bottom of the screen, so I didn't see that facility. I get it now! So helpful of you, really appreciate it!