MarcosDiasAlves Searching the community did not return any hit, so here is my request: Todoist integration, with the ability to select individual projects / tags & inbox. I'd like to have the completed tasks logged in Diarium. IFTTT integration would also be a good alternative.
fuzzygel +1 to integration with Todoist. Like Diarium, it is cross platform, ideal todo app for intergration
YoussefEl-Toukhy Adding Action items in any entry and having a tap which collects all AIs into one todolist
kora i'd be more interested in ifttt integration than todoist since i have no desire to litter my diary with todos and projects but with ifttt it would be awesome to have rss feeds like quotes/word of the day or goodreads book shelves populate automatically in the entries,... things that actually inspire writing....
RachelT I see that the request has been approved. Has it been planned? I will start investigating ToDoist. 🙂
BriceTHOLLET Hey, i would love having a todoist integration, especially one that would aggregate the number of tasks, or the number per project @timo ani news on that approved feature request? Thanks in advance for your feedback
pprashil +1 for todoist, recently migrated from TickTick. So far finding is really great. Even free version has rich features and extremely simple. Please look into integration / sync with Diarium 🙏