Microsoft announced that they will retire the map control & map data that I previously used for the app:
Therefore I had to change the map control and also the map data (only on Windows!) - as a nice side-effect, the performance of the new maps is significantly better.
Currently it does not offer satellite data since this would incur ongoing costs on my side. I need to keep ongoing costs low in order to be able to offer a one-time purchase model (compared to a subscription-based model). Maybe in the future I will offer a subscription for those parts of the app that cause ongoing costs on my side (this could be satellite images, but also a location search feature which likely will stop working on Windows starting June this year as well due to the announcement I linked above). Such a subscription could also give me the opportunity to add new integrations that are paid-only (e.g. a "news" integration) but this would have to be discussed in a separate thread.
Maybe I find another way to offer satellite maps... I certainly hope to be able to re-integrate this to the Windows app one way or the other in the future