JeffKennedy I tried to upgrade my laptop app to pro but couldn't get it to verify. So I upgraded my phone app to. pro but can't sync the two because it still says my laptop app needs to be upgraded. So I'm stuck. Really like the app but I can't use it if I can't upgrade my laptop. Any ideas?
timo What do you mean with "I couldn't get it to verify"? The payment process is handled by the individual App Store (which one are you using?) so I can only provide limited help here
gruebler Since today sync problems via webdav. Everything was fine before. Already deactivated, reactivated. Password requested, then sync error. Strangely enough, it works on iOS.
timo gruebler Please write me a mail with more details, there should be an error dialog with the option to write a mail to the developer when a sync problem appears. I have recently reworked the WebDAV Sync from scratch so it's totally possible that something broke, even though I tested it with 2 different WebDAV implementations (Nextcloud & 1&1) before releasing the update.
Angel Hi Timo, I'm still having an issue with WebDAV and Nextcloud (with Android app version 3.1.14). I'll send you an email with the details.
Angel Angel just for the record, we got it resolved and Timo is pushing a fix in the next version! 😊