Diarium version: 3.1.4;
One UI Version: 6.1;
Android Version: 14;
I love Diarium!! Thank you for such a fabulous app!!
I upgraded my phone from a Galaxy s10 to a Galaxy s24 FE a few days ago. Since then I've been experiencing 2 'glitches'/ funky behavior within my entries:
1) I cannot save an unordered list ... I can apply the bullets but within moments they are removed. I have not tried ordered/ numbered lists, I'll test that & report back;
2) when in an entry, my screen will jump either up or down ... the cursor doesn't move, just the screen goes to a different area of focus within the entry ... hope that makes sense.
All my other writing type apps appear to have ported across without issues.
Any ideas what is happening & how to correct it?