Formatting using bullet points does not work with ios18.

What a joy when Apple breaks text editor related things every year...
If I could decide again, I would not implement list formatting at all - you cannot imagine how much time they do cost me...
I will install iOS 18 as soon as it becomes available today and have a look

I was able to reproduce this and to me, it clearly looks like a bug in iOS.
I will contact Apple and create a bug report on their issue tracker

Update: I found out that the problem happens only when the code is compiled with XCode 15.4. When built with XCode 16, the lists render correctly.
The problem is, that I cannot update to and use XCode 16 for the Diarium project, as it is build with the .NET technology from Microsoft and from what it looks like at the moment, there won't be XCode 16 support for .NET until November:
I will reach out to both Apple and Microsoft and ask if there is any workaround.

Microsoft provided me with a workaround that allows me to build the app with the Xcode 16 tools, which does fix the issue. I will do some tests on iOS 18 and hopefully I will be able to roll out the update in the upcoming days

Uploaded a new update - now it depends on Apple on how long it takes until it is published and available to download

    timo many thanks for all the effort you go to. It is appreciated. And the app is very valued to me, it is unreservedly excellent

      The update is available and it's working now. Excellent job and thank you again for you support and assistance.

      Just updated to 3.0.95 on ios , iPhone 13
      Now it’s crashing as soon as i switch to search tab

      Ugh... I also had that crash at first, but after I change I made it now works on my test devices (iPhone SE2 & iPad) - weird...
      I stopped the rollout and will see again

      I was able to reproduce the crash when enabling the "reduce motion" option in the iOS settings. FIll fix it and upload a new version