Unfortunately, it seems like the logos presented above didn't really capture your enthusiasm - at least I couldn't identify a "winner icon" that resonates well with most participants of this thread.
But I still haven't given up on the idea of finding a new logo - there just must be a better alternative to the current one - so here are a few more ideas that I would like to have your feedback on ๐
First, here's two minimalistic logos:


Then, some icons that have been generated by an AI - as you can see they aren't final either and would need some polish, but maybe you think they have potential:



Lastly, here's 2 pages created from a logo desiger. As these are only sketches, so there's some imagination required to get an idea of how it would look like as a "polished" logo (with the blue grandient background etc).
Page 1

Page 2

Would greatly appreciate your feedback on those. If you think none of these would be better than the current app logo, let me know that as well. When referring to one of the sketches, in addition to the sketch number, please also mention the page (Page 1 or Page 2).
I look forward to hearing your opinion ๐