I bought Diarium to replace my EfficientDiary diary.
As I have learned, I have to use a format known for the migrate function.
I installed Daylio (Android 12 on a samsung S10) and created 2 entries there as a test.
When exporting to a CSV file (then zip), this content is created:
2023-12-10,10. Dezember,Sonntag,20:00,Gut,"","","Sonntag 10.12"
2023-12-09,9. Dezember,Samstag,20:00,Gut,"","","Samstag 9.12"
No error message occurs when migrating the zip file to Diarium.
"One entry successfully imported".
However, only the last entry is transferred to the timeline.
This also occurs when trying import more than 2 entries.
Diarium version:
OS + version: Windows 11 23H2
Device model: PC