Sorry, I remembered incorrectly. On 2/3/2023 on my mobile, I noticed that Diarium was selecting the wrong Google account because I got the message that the diary couldn't sync without Pro. I have Pro on only one Google Account.
In the past, I learned that when I remove the wrong Google account and clear my data & cache on the app, the app would reattach to the correct account and I can add back the wrong account back to my phone without the app selecting it again. Resetting the data was what cause the content to be gone.
After resetting, it took hours to see the green sync check mark and no entries. That started my panic because I thought I lost everything with that sync. After that, I did uninstall and reinstall the app once in hopes that everything would correct itself... it didn't, it was still the empty diary and the green sync. That made me panic more and I decided to look at the version history of v4_database. When I saw there was only one version on Feb2 that was in line with my one sync that day I thought having that version would reverse time... I downloaded that version and reuploaded it as the current version. I did delete maybe less then 10 files in the folder that was dated Feb3 with the same reason - I restored the files eventually after thinking it's probably important.
Maybe that caused the mess..?
So are there entries missing or pictures/attachments missing? How much is a "good chunk of entries"?
Can you describe in more detail what amount of data is missing and what the characteristics are? Is it completely random? Is it only before or after a certain date?
I imported my Jul2022 backup (on my Windows with no sync) for the stats and I have 2,308 diary entries and 23,724 total attachments.
On my mobile (synced to Google Drive), I have 2,503 diary entries and 2,911 total attachments.
I don't have any other details since I don't track the #s closely. My diary is a huge work in progress and I work on the different years sporadically. With the only 12% of attachments left, I feel like it's random.
How large was your journal when you say that you are not able to back it up due to limited space?
From my memory, it took up 8GB of Google's memory. The Jul2022 backup file is like 7GB.
I don't like to back up on my mobile because I feel like I'm always fighting for space on mobile - apps, files, media, etc. Right now, my internal storage is 54GB used of 64GB. It grows and shrinks... I try to place as much in my external SD card (currently 22GB used out of 31GB) as I can.
I don't have a problem with Windows because I have an external hard drive (1TB).
How many attachments are there in the app right now (you can check the diary statistics for that) and in the folder on Google Drive? Are you absolutely certain that you or some app did not delete any files from that folder on Google Drive?
There is less than 3,000 files in the folder.
Based on your prompt, I checked the history and on Feb3, when I was resyncing, there was a ton of files being permanently deleted so I'm guessing that's my attachments... I don't know what prompted the deleting. Is there a way to tell?
I now accept my losses but I want to minimize the damage done by merging the Jul2022 backup with the Jul 2022 to Feb2023 entries (and possibly other days in different years) in the cloud sync.
Will the best course of action be syncing the Jul2022 backup to the cloud? I'm afraid the sync wouldn't merge because the # of entries on cloud is much larger then the Jul2022 backup.