timo nah - don't believe him. I have a galaxy s21 and an s22 and an iPhone. As of today
no darium android synce of mine works anymore except on iPhone. Spins forever, then says slow net etc - but my net is solid 650 mb per sec.
This is a new problem. I can use my Google drive, can backup darium to a file, xfer it to another android and restore darium stuff to either and
Droid just fine, but sync no longer works.
Curious why diarium setup second tab, choose Google drive, choose sync no longer says logged in as (email address) with a disconnect button. Just that status no longer there, but you can switch to your various Google drive accounts and fail sync equally well now with any Google drive account.
Reinstalling Google drive did not help.
Something new us very wrong and diarium sync is useless on android now.