M.H.H. It would be nice if search results could keep the month at the top of the title, like the timeline. Alternatively, the month could also be displayed in the date on the left? e.g. 11.10. Diarium version: 2.9.34 OS + version: Android 12
timo I don't really understand what you mean with "at the top of the title". The month is displayed in the search results as well, at least in my tests.
M.H.H. When I scroll the search results the title with the month disappears for multiple results in the same month
timo Ah I see - you have very long entries and selected the "show whole entry in timeline". The month cannot be shown in the title bar because the search field is already located there. I don't know if it's ideal to place the month in the small space on the left of each entry. Maybe a "sticky header" for the month (like in the iOS and macOS version) would be a better solution...