Why doesn't the weather/sunrise/sunset information show up?
If you selected the "Weather" or "Sunrise/Sunset" option in the app settings under "Feeds & events", but no weather/sunrise/sunset information shows up in the diary entries, the reason for this most likely is that the entry does not contain a "location". Because Diarium needs to know for what location the weather/sunrise/sunset should be received, you need to add a location first. Also, weather information is not available for future dates, only for the current and past days. If weather information is still not displaying, it may be due to either a temporary unavailability from the weather provider (Apple Weather) or the absence of weather data for the specified date and location combination.
Why does Diarium show my photos in the entry page?
In order to help you remembering what happened on a day, Diarium automatically shows photos that you took on that day. Those pictures are imported from the "Camera Roll" or "Photos" folder on your device. Those imported photos show a small "photos" icon on the bottom right and are not permanently added to your diary (however you can permanently add them by right-clicking and selecting "Attach to entry"). You can turn off that feature completely by disabling the "Camera Roll" integration in the app settings under "Feeds & events".
Why does Diarium show my calendar events in the entry page?
When first for the first time, Diarium will ask you for permission to access the system calendar. If granted, Diarium shows the calendar appointments in the corresponding entries. Depending on the device you are using Diarium on, you can also add additional calendar accounts to the system calendar either in the calendar app itself or in the operating system settings. Diarium uses the same colors that the system calendar is using for displaying the appointments and you might be able to change them in the calendar app. Similar to the camera roll integration, you can also disable the calendar integration in the app settings under the "Feeds & events" section.
How to create multiple entries per day?
Windows & macOS
- Right-click on a day in the calendar view
- "+" button in der top menu
Android & iOS
- "Press & hold" a day in the calendar view
- "+" button (iOS: top menu, Android: bottom right in the timeline view)
Does Diarium post content to Facebook/Strava/...?
No. When you connect your social media (Facebook, Strava, ...) in the app settings, Diarium does not post any content to those services. Diarium uses your exising data (e.g. your Instagram posts) to show it in the app, as part of the diary entry. If you want to share contents of your journal, you can use the share button when viewing an entry.
Where is the data stored?
By default, Diarium stores your journal offline and on your device only. If you switch your device or need to reinstall the app, make sure to create a backup in the app settings so your data doesn't get lost - those backups can be imported in the app settings on your new installation. If you choose to use the Cloud sync in order to work on the same journal on multiple devices or to have an automatic backup, the journal is additionally stored online, in your personal cloud storage.
Can I migrate my existing data from another journaling app?
Diarium supports migration of your existing data from other journaling apps. Currently migration from Day One, Diaro, Journey, Memorize, Daylio, Diarly & Daybook are supported. To import your data from those apps to Diarium, create a backup or export file (naming depends on the app) in the app settings of the app you want to migrate from. The exported file is usually a .zip file containing a .json file or .xml file. In the case of Daylio, the exported file is a .csv file. You can import that file in the app settings of Diarium ("Migrate from other app" button).
What do I do when switching to a new device/smartphone?
You can bring your journal to a new device using either of these methods:
- Cloud Sync: If you are using the Cloud Sync, simply connect to the same Cloud storage (using the same account) you used on your old device and your journal will be downloaded.
- Backup/import: You can save the database using the "Backup diary" function in the app settings and import that file on the new device using the "Import diary" function.
I lost my device / My device died / ... - How do I recover my journal?
Nobody expects or hopes that something like this will happen, but unfortunately mobile phones are sometimes stolen or fall into the water. Laptops or PCs can die for various reasons, too. In these cases, it is often impossible to recover the data that was stored on the device. As Diarium by default only stores the data on your device's memory and none of your data is stored on my servers from which I could help you restore your journal, it is strongly recommended to activate Diarium Cloud Sync. This will automatically create a backup of your data in your personal cloud storage of choice. You can restore/download this backup when you install the app on a new or repaired device and reconnect to Cloud Sync with the same account.
Can I get the app in an older version or for an older operating system?
No, this is not possible. Diarium currently requires at least Windows 10 Build 17763, Android 7, iOS 15.1 or macOS 12. The minimum required OS version will rise over time, in order to add features that are supported by newer OS versions only.