DeborahMcGee I get this error when trying to connect to the FB feed. I am using Chrome as a browser, but not sure what that would have to do with an app like Diarium. Ideas on how to get connected? Diarium version: OS + version: windows 11
timo The UWP framework uses an Internet explorer instance for the WebView that I am using for the Facebook authentication. Technical stuff aside, I was able to reproduce the warning, but I don't see any problem actually logging in the Facebook. I could log in without any issues. What exactly is the bug? Could you post a larger screenshot that displays the whole login dialog?
timo I was able to reproduce it after some more digging. It does not have to do with Chrome, but with the old browser that UWP is using in apps (as mentioned in my first response) as well as that you have disabled the "off-Facebook activity", as mentioned in the error message of Facebook visible in your screenshot. Normally there should be a button to re-enable this but in the "simpler version" of the old browser, this button is not visible. You can either enable it as explained here or wait for one of the next app update, where I will use the main browser for the Facebook authentication and not the dialog in the app